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(23 March 2020 Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research makes collections discoverable)
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=23 March 2020 Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research makes collections discoverable=
==April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube==
We are happy to announce that Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research in New Zealand has made [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=NZAC%2C+Lincoln 8600 ethanol preserved specimens of New Zealand arthropods (primarily insects)] on GGBN adding 11 new families and 250 new genera to the data portal as part of the 2018 GGBN-GGI Awards Program.
Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out [https://www.cognitoforms.com/ERGAEuropeanReferenceGenomeAtlas/APrimerOnSciencePolicyForBiodiversityResearchWebinarSeries here]!
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=12 March 2020 BioCASe webinar now available on GGBN's YouTube channel=
==March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research ==
The March 11th [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuqTCM6FcJU DarwinCore Hour webinar on BioCASe] is now available through GGBN's YouTube channel.  GGBN is planning follow-up webinars on step-by-step installation, mapping and using BioCASe as well as ABCD3.
We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form [https://www.cognitoforms.com/ERGAEuropeanReferenceGenomeAtlas/APrimerOnSciencePolicyForBiodiversityResearchWebinarSeries here]! Spots are limited.
=02 March 2020 Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden makes genetic collections discoverable=
We are happy to announce that the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden in Brazil has made more than 6,500 DNA and tissue samples of Brazilian plants discoverable through the GGBN data portal, adding approximately 250 new genera and 1,200 species to GGBN. [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=JBRJ%2C+Rio+de+Janeiro Statistics] for Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden can be found on the GGBN website.
==February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN! ==
We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.
=24 February 2020 Darwin Core Hour on BioCASe Provider Software and ABCD: March 11, 2020 (16:00 CET)=
On 11 March 2020 (16:00 CET) Jörg Holetschek (Botanic Garden Berlin) will talk about the BioCASe Provider Software and ABCD in the Darwin Core Hour, which is one option for GGBN members to publish data to GGBN. The webinar will be recorded and made available for those who can’t attend the live presentation. More information on this webinar can be found at https://www.idigbio.org/content/darwin-core-hour-biocase-provider-software-and-abcd-universal-approach-biodiversity
==January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available! ==
=21 February 2020 GGBN Conference postponed until March 2021=
The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards &
processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/Ijs5AFkCSFquS7vZW96KMg here] to take a look!
Due to the coronavirus situation in China and globally, the GGBN Executive Committee has decided to postpone the GGBN 2020 conference in Shenzhen until early March 2021.  Specific dates will follow soon.  Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding in this matter.  We look forward to a successful conference hosted by the China National GeneBank in 2021.
==January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available! ==
=18 February 2020 Odessa National Medical University joins GGBN=
We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/YKaykzh2QD-q2yByCgMJqw GGBN Document Library] to take a look!
We are happy to announce that the [https://onmedu.edu.ua/?lang=en Odessa National Medical University] has joined GGBN as its first member in Ukraine.  Samples include plant DNAs and associated specimens.
==December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN==
We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment,  HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.
=10 February 2020 The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History joins GGBN=
[[File:CMN.png|center|350px]] [[File:INRAE.jpg|center|350px]] [[File:HTG logo.jpg|center|350px]] [[File:UNAL logo 600x300.png|center|350px]]
We are happy to announce that the [https://smnh.tau.ac.il/en/ Steinhardt Museum of Natural History] has joined GGBN as its first member in Israel.  SMNH houses thousands of DNA and tissue samples representing over a thousand species of vertebrates and invertebrates.
==December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN ==
We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[https://herbariumrwanda.ur.ac.rw/] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.
=03 February 2020 National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) joins GGBN=
[[File:Herbarium of Rwanda.png|center|350px]]
We are happy to announce that France's new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment [https://www.inrae.fr/index.php/en (INRAE)], has joined GGBN. Genetic collections include thousands of microorganisms, plants, vertebrates, and terrestrial invertebrates.
==The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube==
The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfOFuKPmJMQ&list=PLxCMSf8YBiw8RZX6q-_cs-y0nM103_-Is here]! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!
==November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host==
We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute [https://www.sanbi.org/ here]
=14 January 2020 GGBN-GGI Awards Call for Proposals=
[[File:Large SANBI Logo new.jpg|center|350px]]
We are happy to announce the call for proposals for the GGBN-GGI 2020 Awards Program. The program provides funding for projects that support the discoverability of new genetic collections through the Global Genome Biodiversity Network's Data Portal. The next submission deadline for proposals will be 24 April 2020. The proposal review committee will consider requests for up to 30,000 USD with clearly articulated budget justifications. For more information on the GGBN-GGI awards program, including information on how to apply, please visit the [https://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program Global Genome Biodiversity Network-Global Genome Initiative Awards, Program Page].
==October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now==
=08 January 2020 GGBN 2020 Conference: Abstracts for oral and poster presentations now accepted=
The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/conference-program.html here]! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.
The GGBN 2020 Conference [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/ggbn2020/schedConf/cfp Call for Papers] is now open.  Abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be accepted through April 1, 2020. The program committee is soliciting contributions that address the primary theme or other topics in biodiversity biobanking. Abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations may be submitted for the following session or symposium topics:
==September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now==
* Biodiversity Biobank Collections (from vertebrates to microbes)
The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on [https://www.etix.com/ticket/c/417BD8523BDDF67177ECE60A52B3A32E/hybrid-participation Etix]. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE] to register.
* Large Scale Genomic Initiatives and GGBN
* Frontiers in biobanking collections: sampling and preservation
* Culture Collections
* Environmental specimens
* Nagoya Protocol-where to next?
* Crop wild relatives and medical plant diversity
* Biodiversity Biobank Data and Analytics
* Large-scale biobanks/Biobank Networks in Asia-Pacific
Registration will be opening shortly. A breakdown of registration fees, along with other conference information can be found on the [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/ggbn2020/ GGBN 2020 Conference page].
==August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN==
=06 January 2020 University of Kansas makes Ichthyology genetic collections discoverable with Specify 7=
We are pleased to announce the [https://biorepo.neonscience.org/portal/ NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University] has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.
'''The KU ichthyology tissue collection'''
[https://biodiversity.ku.edu/ The University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute] Ichthyology frozen tissue collection is housed in a state of the art cryogenic facility and has broad representation of both marine and freshwater fish diversity – over 11,200 individual tissue samples from 2,843 taxa (342 families and 1275 genera) and representing material from 85 countries (significant representation from the US, Australia, Belize, Ethiopia, Fiji, Nepal, Seychelles, South Africa, Taiwan, Tonga and more, as well as oceanic localities).  The collection is 95% georeferenced and has linkages to vouchered specimens as well as over 14,000 Genbank sequences (and vice versa through the NCBI LinkOut system) and over 550 cited publications. These samples are now accessible through the GGBN [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=KU%2C+Lawrence data portal].
==August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st==
'''Specify 7'''
Specify 7 is a web implementation of the Specify Consortium biological collections data management platform. Specify 7 server code is open source and available from GitHub. This new generation of Specify combines the interface design components and data management foundation of Specify 6 with the efficiency and ease-of-use of web-based data access and cloud computing. Specify 7 is capable of exporting collections data in the Darwin Core Archive (DwCA) format. This capability expands on the existing Specify 6 functionality by supporting extensions to the core format (for GGBN, media and reference works amongst others) and also circumvents the IPT architecture currently used through Specify 6 data publishing.  The Specify Consortium recently updated its data model to include all necessary fields to support GGBN publishing - https://www.sustain.specifysoftware.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Specify-Schema-Update-v2.4-Context.pdf.  Find out more about Specify Collections Management Software here:  https://www.sustain.specifysoftware.org/.
We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.  
Important deadlines:
General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1. 
The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.
[[File:KU logo.jpg|center|300px]] 
Please submit your abstracts and complete registration [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html HERE]
=16 December 2019-GGBN 2020 Conference Travel Support Opportunities=
GGBN is starting a travel support program in 2020 designed to assist members with the costs of attending the network’s meetings. While any GGBN member can apply, preference will be given to participants from upper middle income, lower middle income, and low-income countries, with additional consideration given to the value of the individual’s participation at the conference either for the member institution or for GGBN.  The number of travel support recipients will be determined by the GGBN 2020 Conference organizing committee and be dependent on the number and quality of the applicants.
==June 23 2023 Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS), Bethlehem University joins GGBN==
Those receiving travel support are required to make either an oral or poster presentation at the meeting and to be the first author on the presentation. Notification of support is contingent on the acceptance of the applicant’s abstract by the organizing committee.
We are pleased to announce the [https://www.palestinenature.org/ Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS), Bethlehem University] has joined GGBN.  The biodiversity biobank collection includes over 200 DNA and 300 tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates.  In addition to tissues and DNAs, the collection also includes environmental samples.  
All applicants will be notified by February 18, 2020. For those receiving travel support, directions will also be provided regarding how to book your travel. Please do not make any travel arrangements until receiving further instruction, as doing so may disqualify you from receiving support.
Please submit the following to ggbn@si.edu no later than February 1 to complete your application:
*Completed application form
==June 22 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Early Registration Closes June 30==
*Copy of paper/poster abstract you intend to present
*Letter of support/recommendation from senior professional, supervisor, mentor, department head, or director that knows your work (sent directly from the recommending individual to ggbn@si.edu)
*In case your institution is already a GGBN member, then also a letter of support/recommendation from GGBN primary contact from your institution (also sent as a separate email to ggbn@si.edu) 
See the [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/ENECv6iJSiGscYKkwzL1ZA GGBN 2020 Travel Grants Application Form] for more information.
Early registration and abstract submission for the GGBN 2023 Conference is now open through June 30th, don't miss your chance at the discount rates!  General registration will be open from July 1-August 31.  
=31 October 2019-the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México joins GGBN=
This year's conference is intended to communicate ideas, new tools, expertise on biodiversity and environmental biobanking, and to encourage the community to make genomic collections public and broadly available for research while respecting the spirit of the Nagoya Protocol.
We are proud to announce that the [https://www.unam.mx/ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México] has joined GGBN as its second Mexican member.  The [http://www.ib.unam.mx/ Instituto de Biologia, UNAM] houses thousands of DNA and tissue samples representing over one thousand species of microorganisms, plants, vertebrates, terrestrial invertebrates, and marine invertebrates.  
Registration, conference agenda, hotel, travel, and abstract submissions are now available on the [https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html conference website]. Don't miss your chance to register for this in-person conference as rates are scheduled to increase.
=29 October 2019-Denver Museum of Nature and Science makes genetic collections discoverable=
We are proud to announce the fourth Arctos partner, the [https://www.dmns.org/ Denver Museum of Nature and Science] has made a subset of its [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=DMNS%2C+Denver genetic collections] discoverable through GGBN as part of the 2017-2018 GGBN-GGI awards program. The collection adds more than 31,000 vertebrate tissue samples to GGBN, mainly representing birds, mammals, and associated parasites, adding 50 new species to GGBN’s online collections.
We look forward to seeing you in Mexico this October 17-20.
==June 14 2023 New Collections Update==
The GGBN platform has recently added 1323 records of tissue and DNA from Universidad Nacional de Colombia's GERPH collection. These samples are associated with the project "Discovering vertebrate host and their blood parasites in Colombia's wildlife"
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=15 October 2019-Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley makes genetic collections discoverable=
We are proud to announce the third [https://arctos.database.museum/home.cfm Arctos] partner, the [http://mvz.berkeley.edu/ Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley] has made a subset of its [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=MVZ%2C+Berkeley genetic collections] discoverable through GGBN as part of the 2017-2018 [https://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program GGBN-GGI awards program]. The collection adds more than 160,000 vertebrate tissue samples to GGBN representing 40 new families, 400 new genera and 500 new species.
==May 1 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open==
This year's conference is intended to communicate ideas, new tools, expertise on biodiversity and environmental biobanking, and to encourage the community to make genomic collections public and broadly available for research while respecting the spirit of the Nagoya Protocol.  
[[File: MVZ Logo LargeFancy180.png|center|300px]]
Registration, conference agenda, hotel, travel, and abstract submissions are now available on the conference website.  Don't miss your chance to register for this in-person conference as rates are scheduled to increase.  
=09 October 2019-University of Alaska Museum of the North makes genetic collections discoverable=
*[https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html registration and abstract submission]
We are proud to announce that the second [https://arctos.database.museum/home.cfm Arctos] partner, the [https://www.uaf.edu/museum/ University of Alaska Museum of the North] has made a subset of its [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=UAM%2C+Fairbanks genetic collections] discoverable through GGBN as part of the 2017-2018 [https://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program GGBN-GGI awards program]. The online collection includes more than 200,000 tissue samples representing mostly mammals and birds, in addition to other animals and plants.  The collection adds 100 new families, 100 new genera and 100 new species to the GGBN Data Portal.
More Arctos partners will be making their genetic collections discoverable in the upcoming weeks.  
==April 5 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Registration and Abstract Submission Open May 1==
GGBN 2023 Conference registration and abstract submission will open Monday, May 1st.
*[https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/agenda.html preliminary conference agenda]
*[https://ggbn2023.weebly.com/registration--abstract-submission.html registration and abstract submission] starting May 1st
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=January 27 2023 Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro joins GGBN=
We are happy to announce that the Museu Nacional (MNRJ) at the [https://ufrj.br/en/ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro]/Brazil has joined GGBN. Collections include 850 DNA and 627 tissue samples representing marine invertebrates. Samples are managed with Specify. MNRJ is a 2021 GGBN Awards program awardee.
=02 October 2019-Museum of Southwestern Biology makes genetic collections discoverable=
[[File:Museu nacional logo.png|350px]]
We are proud to announce that the first [https://arctos.database.museum/home.cfm Arctos] partner, the [http://www.msb.unm.edu/ Museum of Southwestern Biology], University of New Mexico/US has made a subset of its [http://www.ggbn.org/ggbn_portal/stats/details?registry=MSB%2C+Albuquerque genetic collections] discoverable through GGBN as part of the 2017-2018 [https://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program GGBN-GGI awards program]. The online collection includes more than 580,000 vertebrate tissues representing mostly mammals and more than 200,000 associated specimen data. The collection adds 100 new families, 400 new genera and 1,000 species to the GGBN Data Portal.
=18 January 2023 AGIR at the Universite D'Abomy-Calavi joins GGBN=
More Arctos partners will be making their genetic collections discoverable in the upcoming weeks.
We are happy to announce that the Integrated Resource Management Association(AGIR) at the [https://uac.bj/ Universite D'Abomey-Calavi] in the Republic of Benin has joined GGBN, which includes the Herbier National du Benin and the [http://labef-uac.org/ Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forest Estimations of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences]. Collections include silica and environmental samples representing 186 plant species.
=13 September 2019-University of Torino joins GGBN=
We are pleased to announce that the [https://en.unito.it/ University of Torino] has joined GGBN as part of the 2019 GGBN-GGI awards program. The collection comprises 2234 specimens representing approximately 120 families, 376 genera and 589 species of mainly Western Palearctic species. Genetic samples will be made discoverable through GGBN by September 2020.
=11 September 2019-GGBN 2020 Conference: At-a-glance agenda, session topics, invited speakers and travel logistics=
The GGBN 2020 [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/ggbn2020/about/organizingTeam organizing committee] is happy to announce updates to the GGBN 2020 [https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/ggbn2020/index conference webpage] to include the at-a-glance agenda, theme and session topics, invited speakers, travel logistics and accommodations. Early bird registration and abstract submission will open November 1st.
=15 July 2019-Chicago Botanic Garden joins GGBN=
We are pleased to announce that the [https://www.chicagobotanic.org/ Chicago Botanic Garden] has joined GGBN as part of the [https://ggi.si.edu/ggi-gardens GGI Gardens Program], an effort to enhance global plant collections by strategically collecting and preserving genome-quality samples representing global plant diversity. The Chicago Botanic Garden's collection comprises 13,286 samples representing approximately 5,000 plant species, a subset of which will be made discoverable through GGBN by August 2020.
=11 July 2019-GGBN 2020 Conference ''Widening GGBN’s Horizon – engaging new users and collections''=
GGBN 2020, the 4th Conference of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network, will take place in Shenzhen, China from May 11-15. We are putting together an exciting program on topics surrounding the main theme of Widening GGBN’s Horizon – engaging new users and collections.
Sessions on the following topics are planned:
*Regional Biobanks (Asia-Pacific)
*Biodiversity Biobank Collections (from vertebrates to microbes)
*Frontiers in Biobanking Collections: Sampling and Preservation
*Biodiversity Biobank Data and Analytics
*Culture Collections
*Environmental Specimens
*Crop Relatives and Medicinal Plant Diversity
*Large Scale Genomic Initiatives and GGBN
*Nagoya Protocol
Invited speakers will be announced on the GGBN website this fall. We invite participants to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations through the GGBN 2020 Conference registration system starting in November 2019.
Organizing Committee:
*Jonas Astrin, Zoological Research Museum-Koenig/Germany
*Katie Barker, GGBN Secretariat, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian/US
*Jason Chen, Beijing Genomics Institute, China National GeneBank/China
*Manuela da Silva, FIOCRUZ/Brazil
*Gabi Droege, GGBN Technical Secretariat, Berlin Botanic Garden/Germany
*Meiliang Zhou, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation/China
*Sarah Tassell, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research/New Zealand
*Thai Pham, Vietnam National Museum of Nature/Vietnam
[[File:GGBN 2020 draft agenda .jpg|center|800px]]
=09 July 2019-Upcoming Regional Workshop in Tbilisi (November 4-7 2019)=
'''We are sorry to inform you due to unforeseeable circumstances we were unable to secure funding for the dates of November 4-7, but are actively working with different State organizations and donors within Georgia to secure funding for this workshop sometime next year.''' 
Workshop Title: New Horizons for Conserving and Restoring Biodiversity in Gene Banks and Regional Cooperation
*Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
*Host: The Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD
The Workshop will provide a platform for discussion on the following key themes:
* Recent country experience and efforts on mainstreaming biodiversity conservation, ex-situ, in situ into Gene Bank development
* Approaches and partnerships to mainstream National Gene Bank cooperation at Post Soviet and Eastern European, Central European sectoral levels
* Insights, challenges, and opportunities to manage for better results harmonizing GGBN Methodologies, Measurements, and Taxonomy Data
*Day 1, 04.11.2019 Plenary session
*Day 2, 05.11.2019 Working Groups
*Day 3, 06.11.2019 Working Groups
*Day 4, 07.11.2019 Excursions
The workshop is expected to guide the development of the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity's modern conservation methods and the cooperation and networking of Gene Banks.
The results of the workshop should be disseminated and taken up and promoted by concerned stakeholders in such a way that they are ultimately reflected in the Genetic Resource management practices for both developed and developing countries. The overall aim is to help improve the cooperation of scientific and research communities and achieve truly sustainable use of Genetic Resources that is environmentally sound and economically viable.
Please contact Dr. Kakha Nadiradze (nadiradzekakha@gmail.com) and GGBN (GGBN@si.edu) by July 20th to express your interest in participating.
=08 July 2019-University of Karachi joins GGBN=
We are pleased to announce that the [http://www.uok.edu.pk/research_institutes/cpc/index.php University of Karachi, Center for Plant Conservation] has joined GGBN as part of the GGBN-GGI 2019 Awards Program. The awarded project will publish 1,000 samples from across Pakistan representing a diversity of biotic communities and relatively rich flora.
=01 July 2019-Job Advertisement-Cell Culture Specialist-Zoological Research Museum A. Koenig=
The Biobank at Zoological Research Museum A. Koenig in Bonn, Germany, is looking for a full-time cell culture specialist. The position can be filled immediately and is funded for three years within the project "Forensic Genetics for Species Protection", aimed at protecting endangered animals. Tasks include:
*Establishing cell cultures and cryopreservation
*Developing methods and coordination of lab workflows, especially for cell culture; data analyses
*Management of the cell culture lab; responsible for instruments
*Handling biobank samples (incl. DNA, tissue): documentation, databasing, preparation, preservation
*Sample acquisition & research: international correspondence on samples; organizing logistics
*Supervision of research assistants, students, and interns
Your profile:
*Extensive, documented hands-on experience in the cell culture lab (ideally, but not necessarily with animals)
*Finished vocational training or university degree in life sciences
*Capacity to organize and manage molecular infrastructures and projects
*Good IT skills (esp. with spreadsheets, database knowledge)
*Fair knowledge of the English language for international correspondence etc.
*High interpersonal skills; most meticulous and responsible, proactive way of working; competent at problem-solving
ZFMK offers a highly motivating environment at a renowned and pioneering research facility and the possibility to work independently. Salary and benefits are according to a public service position in Germany, TV-L E 9.
Equally qualified severely disabled applicants will be given preference.
Please send your application by e-mail attachment, including a detailed CV, until July 19, 2019 to Mrs. Heike Lenz: h.lenz@leibniz-zfmk.de. In case of questions concerning the position please contact Jonas Astrin: j.astrin@leibniz-zfmk.de, tel. +49-228-9122 357.
For more information about ZFMK see http://www.leibniz-zfmk.de/en
=18 June 2019-The University of California, CALeDNA Program joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the University of California, [http://www.ucedna.com/ CALeDNA Program] has joined GGBN. As part of the GGBN-GGI 2019 awards program, the project will develop pipelines for e-DNA collections to GGBN and GBIF, acting as a prototype model for other e-DNA collections and will work with GGBN to demonstrate best practices for e-DNA curation.  Approximately 1,000 soil, sediment and water samples representing 18,000 species will be added to GGBN.
[[File:Sticker Design 2019 v4.png|center|400px]]
=10 June 2019-Job Advertisement-Director of Biodiversity Banking - Institute for Conservation Research=
The Institute for Conservation Research has recently posted a job opening for a [https://usr56.dayforcehcm.com/CandidatePortal/en-US/sdzg/Posting/View/422 Director of Biodiversity Banking]. The deadline for applications is Sunday, June 30, 2019.
=3 June 2019-GGBN-GGI Awards Program 2019 Recipients=
We are happy to announce the results of the GGBN-GGI 2019 Awards Program. A total of seven highly competitive proposals representing member and non-member institutions across four countries were received and ranked by a peer review committee representative of GGBN membership.  The panel ranked the proposals on the following metrics: complementarity to existing collections on GGBN; the size, scope, and quality of the collection; the genomic novelty of the collections; adherence to GGBN best practices; the efficiency or cost-effectiveness of the proposal; contribution to the GGBN community; and the timeline for completion. The total funding requested was nearly 190,000 USD, and a little over 95,000 was awarded. Awardees will be contributing new genetic samples to the GGBN data portal by September 2020.
GGBN-GGI 2019 Awardees include:
*Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI)/Peru
*Missouri Botanical Garden/USA
*University of California, Los Angeles, UC Conversation Genomics Consortium/USA
*University of Karachi, Centre for Plant Conservation/Pakistan
*University of Torino, Dipartimento de Scienze della Terra/Italy
The titles and abstracts of these proposals can be found on the GGBN [https://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program awards program page], along with general award program information.
Congratulations everyone!
=28 May 2019 Call for Conference Host: GGBN 2022=
GGBN’s Executive Committee is seeking a host organization for the 2022 conference.  GGBN conferences are an opportunity to exchange knowledge on biodiversity biobanking, grow the community and facilitate best practices in genetic collections management and discoverability. 
Emerging as a world leader in genetic collections databasing, the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) is an international scientific research network of biodiversity biobanks that collaborate to ensure the long-term preservation and discoverability of genetic samples from all life. GGBN advocates for the value of genetic samples, both today and into the future, and addresses key challenges associated with the management and use of these important resources. Together, GGBN’s member institutions promote access to information about, and legal exchange of, the genetic samples that they maintain.  Our strategic areas include genomic sample management and discoverability, best practices for genetic collections, knowledge exchange and training, and communications and outreach.  So far GGBN conferences have taken place in London, England; Berlin, Germany; Vienna, Austria and Shenzhen, China and we are always looking forward to expanding to new continents, countries, and cities.
The hosting location should have good travel connections and be able to host 100-150 participants. The local organizer is responsible for the facilities and the execution of the conference and conference budget. The organizer also has to secure sufficient funding (the Organizing Committee can offer their assistance in seeking grants and soliciting vendors). Conference dates will be determined in cooperation between the Organizing Committee and the local organizers.
Proposals to host the GGBN 2022 conference should include:
*Motivation. Describe your motivation and highlight the benefits.
*Budget. No real detail of the budget is required at this stage, however, the approach to hosting the conference and the resultant budgetary implications are required.
*Conference hosting options to include the possible venue/s, accommodations, meals, activities, and transportation options.
*Key attributes of the location and potential venues. Bullet points describing the advantages of the location and potential activities for attendees.
*Date options for the conference.
*Primary contact name and contact information.Preliminary list of names of members of the local organizing committee and their responsibilities.
Interested parties should submit their proposals to host the 2022 conference no later than December 1, 2019.  Proposals will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and the 2022 host will be announced at the 2020 conference in Shenzhen, China.
[https://meetings.ggbn.org/conference/ggbn/2018/schedConf/program The Conference Program]from GGBN's 2018 conference is available as a reference.
=23 May 2019 GGBN 2020 Conference May 11-15=
It is our pleasure to announce that GGBN 2020, the 4th Conference of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network, will take place in Shenzhen China, May 11-15, hosted by the [https://www.cngb.org/home.html China National GeneBank]. We hope that you can join us!
=23 April 2019-Kostrzyca Forest Gene Bank joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the [https://www.lasy.gov.pl/en Kostrzyca Forest Gene Bank] has joined GGBN as its first Polish member.  The genetic collection comprises 11,525 plant and 52 animal tissues, 8,497 plant and 14 animal DNAs and 20,000-50,000 specimens representing 163 plant and 2 animal species.  Samples are stored in cold rooms (-3, -10, -20C), Freezers (-80C) and cryogenic containers (vapors of liquid nitrogen).
=19 April 2019-GGBN-GGI Awards Due May 1=
Thinking your genetic collections should be more visible for research?  Do you require staff or other resources to make this happen? If so, then apply to the GGBN-GGI 2019 awards program.  Deadline for proposals is May 1st. See https://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program
=12 April 2019-GGBN Focus Group Meeting, Washington DC=
GGBN members met this week at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC to 1) discuss GGBN's dues model and possible changes based on needs of the network and 2) to develop a marketing strategy to facilitate better communication with the research and collections communities. Member participants attended from Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Ecuador, Georgia, Germany, United Kingdom, United States. A report will be developed over the next few weeks and distributed to the Executive Committee and the 88 members of the General Assembly for review and comment this summer.
Thanks to everyone who participated this week!
=02 April 2019-GGBN March 2019 Newsletter Published=
GGBN's [https://library.ggbn.org/share/s/R9H3V8IXSDqiTk1ZS6G89Q March 2019 Newsletter] is now available for your reading pleasure.
=18 March 2019-Botanical Research Institute of Texas joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the [https://www.brit.org/ Botanical Research Institute of Texas] has joined GGBN as its 22nd United States member.  BRIT's biorepository opened in January of 2019 and will help lead the [https://ggi.si.edu/ggi-gardens Global Genome Initiative Gardens collecting program], which partners with arboreta, botanic gardens, and greenhouses worldwide to preserve the incredible diversity contained within these living collections.
=01 March 2019-National Biodiversity Cryobank of Canada, Canadian Museum of Nature joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the [https://nature.ca/en/research-collections/collections/cryobank National Biodiversity Cryobank of Canada], Canadian Museum of Nature, has joined GGBN as its 3rd Canadian member. The genetic collection includes 4,500 DNA and 30,000 tissue samples representing microorganisms, plants, vertebrates, terrestrial invertebrates and marine invertebrates.
=06 February 2019-GGBN-GGI Awards Program 2019 Call for Proposals=
We are happy to announce the call for proposals for the GGBN-GGI 2019 Awards Program. The program provides funding for projects that support the discoverability of new genetic collections through the Global Genome Biodiversity Network's Data Portal. The next submission deadline for proposals will be May 1 2019. The proposal review committee will consider requests for up to 30,000 USD with clearly articulated budget justifications. For more information on the GGBN-GGI awards program, including information on how to apply, please visit [https://wiki.ggbn.org/ggbn/Global_Genome_Biodiversity_Network-Global_Genome_Initiative_Awards_Program the Global Genome Biodiversity Network-Global Genome Initiative Awards Program Page].
=22 January 2019-Dr. Cecilia Koo Botanic Conservation Center joins GGBN=
We are proud to announce that the [http://www.kbcc.org.tw/tw/ Dr. Cecilia Koo Botanic Conservation Center] has joined GGBN.  The genetic collection includes 16,890 tissues and 3,609 DNAs of plants.
=News Archive=
=News Archive=
Older news can be found in the GGBN [[News Archive]].
Older news can be found in the GGBN [[News Archive]].
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Revision as of 09:31, 2 May 2024


April 30 2024 GGBN and ERGA Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research on Youtube

Both parts of the GGBN, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) series focused on ABS - Nagoya Protocol and DSI are now uploaded on YouTube! Check it out here!


March 25 2024 GGBN and ERGA Hosts a Webinar Series on Science Policy for Biodiversity Research

We're happy to announce that GGBN and European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) with the support of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) network are organizing a two-part webinar series focused on ABS (Access and Benefit Sharing), the Nagoya Protocol and DSI this April. Join us by filling the registration form here! Spots are limited.

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February 1 2024 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences joins GGBN!

We are pleased to announce the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) has joined GGBN! Located in Brussels, Belgium, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has 6,000 DNA samples, 6,500 tissue samples, and 38,000 specimens in their collections.

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January 4 2024 2023 SYNTHESYS Biobanking Handbooks are Now Available!

The fourth (and last) publication of the GGBN-led SYNTHESYS+ work package NA3: "Molecular collections in the age of genomics – standards & processes" has been released! They are now posted to the GGBN Document Library. Click here to take a look!


January 4 2024 2023 GGBN Report Now Available!

We are excited to announce that the GGBN December 2023 Report is now available! This report highlights GGBN contributions, conferences, online discoverability and more from the past year. Head to the GGBN Document Library to take a look!

December 7 2023 Tissue Samples Made Discoverable Through GGBN

We are excited to announce the organizations who provided data for the first time in 2023: CMN, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Nature, INRAE, Paris, National Institute of Research for Agriculture, Food and Environment, HNT, San Marino, The Huntington, and UNAL, Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia.

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December 6 2023 National Herbarium of Rwanda, University of Rwanda joins GGBN

We are happy to announce that the National Herbarium of Rwanda[1] at the University of Rwanda has joined GGBN. Collections include 50 eDNA and 20,000+ tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. Samples are managed with Symbiota and Excel.

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The GGBN 2023 International Conference Presentations are Available to Watch on YouTube

The 2023 GGBN International Conference presentations are now available to watch on our YouTube page here! Check out some of the amazing talks from the conference!


November 06 2023 GGBN 2023 GGBN Announces 2025 Conference Host

We are happy to announce the South African National Biodiversity Institute and Biodiversity Biobanks South Africa as the host for the 2025 GGBN Conference in Cape Town, South Africa! Learn more about the institute here

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October 16 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Program Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference program is now available to view here! Click to see presentation details, recommendations to do during your stay in Aguascalientes (if in person) and more.

September 7 2023 Hybrid Registration for 2023 GGBN International Conference Available Now

The 2023 GGBN International Conference will now be hybrid for those who want to join via Zoom! Virtual participants can register for $50 on Etix. There is also still time to register for those who want to attend the conference in person! Click HERE to register.

August 11 2023 NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University joins GGBN

We are pleased to announce the NEON Biorepository, Arizona State University has joined GGBN. Located in Tempe, Arizona, the NEON Biorepository has 31,358 DNA samples, 43,814 tissue samples, and 104,564 environmental samples.


August 07 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Abstract Submissions and General Registration Close August 31st

We are still accepting abstracts for the upcoming GGBN International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking, taking place 17-20 October 2023 in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Please see the latest conference announcement attached for session details.

Important deadlines: General registration closes August 31st, late registration is open from September 1-October 1. The last day to submit your abstracts is August 31st.

Please submit your abstracts and complete registration HERE


June 23 2023 Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS), Bethlehem University joins GGBN

We are pleased to announce the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS), Bethlehem University has joined GGBN. The biodiversity biobank collection includes over 200 DNA and 300 tissue samples representing plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. In addition to tissues and DNAs, the collection also includes environmental samples.

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June 22 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference: Early Registration Closes June 30

Early registration and abstract submission for the GGBN 2023 Conference is now open through June 30th, don't miss your chance at the discount rates! General registration will be open from July 1-August 31.

This year's conference is intended to communicate ideas, new tools, expertise on biodiversity and environmental biobanking, and to encourage the community to make genomic collections public and broadly available for research while respecting the spirit of the Nagoya Protocol.

Registration, conference agenda, hotel, travel, and abstract submissions are now available on the conference website. Don't miss your chance to register for this in-person conference as rates are scheduled to increase.


We look forward to seeing you in Mexico this October 17-20.

June 14 2023 New Collections Update

The GGBN platform has recently added 1323 records of tissue and DNA from Universidad Nacional de Colombia's GERPH collection. These samples are associated with the project "Discovering vertebrate host and their blood parasites in Colombia's wildlife"

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May 1 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open

This year's conference is intended to communicate ideas, new tools, expertise on biodiversity and environmental biobanking, and to encourage the community to make genomic collections public and broadly available for research while respecting the spirit of the Nagoya Protocol.

Registration, conference agenda, hotel, travel, and abstract submissions are now available on the conference website. Don't miss your chance to register for this in-person conference as rates are scheduled to increase.


April 5 2023 GGBN 2023 Conference Registration and Abstract Submission Open May 1

GGBN 2023 Conference registration and abstract submission will open Monday, May 1st.


January 27 2023 Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro joins GGBN

We are happy to announce that the Museu Nacional (MNRJ) at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/Brazil has joined GGBN. Collections include 850 DNA and 627 tissue samples representing marine invertebrates. Samples are managed with Specify. MNRJ is a 2021 GGBN Awards program awardee.

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18 January 2023 AGIR at the Universite D'Abomy-Calavi joins GGBN

We are happy to announce that the Integrated Resource Management Association(AGIR) at the Universite D'Abomey-Calavi in the Republic of Benin has joined GGBN, which includes the Herbier National du Benin and the Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forest Estimations of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences. Collections include silica and environmental samples representing 186 plant species.


News Archive

Older news can be found in the GGBN News Archive.