From GGBN Wiki
Search Mask
The search mask is divided in two parts: specimen/voucher data and DNA data. It is designed quite similar to the Input Mask with some additions:
- You can search for a customer who has requested samples
- You can search for a specific data creator, which is important for managers and admins
All other fields should be self-explained or the notes given at Input DNA Data might help you.
Please don't use asterisk (*) for your search! If search field is described as (*xy*) or (xy*) the Tool will automatically use like operators. If not, suggestion and drop down lists will help you.
Please note that you can only search for specimen data that are already connected to one of your samples! If you want to search the Specimen Tool you have to switch to the Specimen Tool!
The hitlist contains five columns:
- DNA Bank No.
- Specimen No (UnitID from original specimen database)
- Collection (CollectionCode/SourceID of voucher deposit)
- Institution (InstitutionCode/SourceInstitutionID of voucher deposit)
- Taxon (full scientific name)
By hitting the tiny triangles you can sort by different columns. To see full record click at the relevant DNA number.