How to request material
Request samples/Login feature
The GGBN Data Portal provides an easy way to explore and request samples worldwide. In order to do so you need to login/request an account (see "Login" in top menu) The account will be validated manually. We appreciate if you fill out the complete contact information, since these data can then be forwarded to the sample holding institution, but this is not mandatory.
Loan availability
You can set the filter for Loan Availability through the facets on the left and expand the rows in the preview list to see differences. In the example below there is one tissue sample blocked, while the specimen is available and another tissue for the same species is available for loan. Blocking material for loan can have various reasons, mostly the samples are blocked because they have been consumed or for legal reasons.
Adding samples to basket on record details page
Currently samples or specimens can only be added to the basket on the single record pages. If you are not logged in the message "Request account/Login" will be displayed. As soon as you are logged in you'll see the "add to request" links.
Basket and checkout
If you have added samples to your basket you can always go to "View unsubmitted requests" through the menu ("Account"). In step 1 you will see an overview of requested samples and if it is a CITES taxon there is an additional note. Please make sure you belong to an institution registered with CITES, otherwise you can't loan such samples. Go to "Checkout" to proceed.
When checking out you'll see the samples grouped by the holding GGBN member institution. For each institution you can add a note. The project description is a mandatory field.
Click on "Place request" and the email will be forwarded to the sample holding institutions. You will receive a confirmation email.
- Note that the samples are owned by the sample holding member institutions, hence this request is not binding. Please do get in touch with them after you've placed the request or check their loan policies (link will be in the email). In any case you have to sign a Material Transfer Agreement before samples can be loaned. The curator will provide you more details about it.
- In case you are requesting samples from multiple institutions they will ONLY receive the request for their own samples!