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File:Udii.jpg|UDII building - GGBN 2023 Conference
File:Udii.jpg|UDII building - GGBN 2023 Conference
<p>Please email us at</p>

Revision as of 11:22, 7 February 2024

17. October - 20. October 2023, Aguascalientes

ADNUAA.jpeg Figure-uaa.jpeg
Ggbn. fullname.png

Welcome note

We are delighted to announce the fourth international GGBN conference. This will take place in Aguascalientes, Mexico, from October 17th to 20th, 2023, and will be hosted by the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (see location here). The conference will focus on a wide array of topics, from basic databasing processes to environmental specimens and data analysis (sessions and workshops) and will include a discussion session on where we should head in the immediate future to reach GGBN’s goals.

The GGBN 2023 conference expects to gather academic institutions and representatives of the private and public sectors, considering members and non-members of the GGBN community who are interested in preserving and studying our world’s biodiversity. It does not matter the size of the attending institutions or collections, the conference will certainly bring new ideas, face-to-face interaction, and foster new collaboration opportunities that will enhance our understanding of life on Earth.

​Besides the academic event, we are planning some activities that will let the attendants interact with each other in a more relaxed environment. Those activities include tours around the city of Aguascalientes, which is one of the safest in the country, and will let you experience the culture and gastronomy of the central part of Mexico.

We look forward to welcoming you in Aguascalientes in 2023!

Gilberto Ocampo

On behalf of the Organizing Committee


The conference will take place at the UDII building (Unidad de Desarrollo e Innovación Educativa), first floor. Below, you will see a map showing the location of the UDII building and the main entrance of our University (which is found on Universidad Avenue).

Map uaa.PNG


Please email us at