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(Created page with "=Date: November 21-28 2022= '''Descripción en Español''' América Latina es una reg1on con alta biodiversidad alojada en colecciones biológicas, entre ellas las de microor...")
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The discussions held during the event addressed each topic in turn. At the conclusion of the event, participants determined that a second event is required, with particular attention to the input of environmental government entities. This input could contribute to the discussion on regulations pertaining to the sharing of samples, the generation of products from the strains, and the financing of the maintenance of biological collections, given that these collections representa heritage in their own right.
The discussions held during the event addressed each topic in turn. At the conclusion of the event, participants determined that a second event is required, with particular attention to the input of environmental government entities. This input could contribute to the discussion on regulations pertaining to the sharing of samples, the generation of products from the strains, and the financing of the maintenance of biological collections, given that these collections representa heritage in their own right.
=More Symposium Information=
[[Collections of Microorganisms]]
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Latest revision as of 14:04, 22 October 2024

Date: November 21-28 2022

Descripción en Español

América Latina es una reg1on con alta biodiversidad alojada en colecciones biológicas, entre ellas las de microorganismos; este tipo de seres vivos son de gran importancia en salud, ciencias básicas y biotecnología. Este evento surgió con el objetivo de fortalecer el manejo y uso de colecciones de microorganismos y visibilizar la información que generan con el fin de establecer sinergias de investigación y cooperación en la región. Buscando ampliar el alcance de esta información y las discusiones que sobre ella se dan, se realizó el "I Simposio de colecciones de microorganismos: manejo y perspectivas para la investigación" los días 21 y 28 de Noviembre de 2022 de manera virtual por la Facultad de Ciencias de Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá y la Global Genome Biodiversity Network GGBN.

Este simposio se enmarcó también en el objetivo de la Red Mundial De Genomas De La Biodiversidad / Global Genome Biodiversity Network de preservar a largo plazo las muestras ge nómicas que representan la diversidad de la vida no humana en la Tierra, Red de la cual hace parte la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Este evento reunió a 122 personas de los países Alemania, Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, España, Estados Unidos, México, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana y Venezuela. Contamos con la participación de 79 curadores, curadores asistentes o auxiliares de colecciones biológicas, así como profesionales y estudiantes de disciplinas biológicas y ambientales asociados a universidades públicas y privadas, centro de investigación y desarrollo y entidades gubernamentales.

El simposio fue transmitido por los canales oficiales de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, y pueden ser consultados en los enlaces: 21 noviembre

Las conferencias abarcaron campos muy diversos como: la normativa y función del Registro Único Nacional de Colecciones, la base de datos de bacterias BacDive, publicación de datos a través del SiB Colombia, importancia y conservación de las colecciones microbiológicas, de interés agrobiotecnológico y con interés biofertilizante, hongos patógenos y simbiontes de insectos, visibilidad de la diversidad microbiana, desafíos de las colecciones microbiológicas, potencialidades de los bancos de germoplasma, colección de microalgas y parásitos de fauna silvestre.

Durante el evento se realizaron discusiones alrededor de cada temática y se concluyó la necesidad de una segunda versión que involucre entes gubernamentales medioambientales que puedan aportar a la discusión sobre normativa para compartir muestras, generar productos a partir de las cepas y financiar el mantenimiento de las colecciones biológicas como el patrimonio que son.

English description

Latín America is a region with a high level of biodiversity, which is housed in a variety of biological collections, including those of microorganisms. These types of living beings play an important role in the fields of health, basic sciences, and biotechnology. This event was convened with the objective of enhancing the stewardship and utilization of microbial collections, while also promoting the visibility of the data they generate . This is done with the intention of facilitating collaborative research initiatives and establishing synergies within the region. In order to expand the scope of this information and the discussions that take place about it, the "Symposium Collections of Microorganisms: Management and Perspectives for Research" was held on November 21 and 28, 2022 virtually by the Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the Global Genome Biodiversity Network GGBN in Bogotá, Colombia.

The symposium was also structured around the objective of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network, which is to ensure the long-term preservation of genomic samples representing the diversity of non-human life on Earth. The Universidad Nacional de Colombia is a member of this Network. A total of 122 individuals from 17 countries participated in the event, including Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Ca nada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. Seventy-nine curators, assistant curators, and assistants of biological collections, as well as professionals and students of biological and environmental disciplines associated with public and prívate universities, research and development centers, and government entities, participated in the event.

The event was webcast vía the official channels of the Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and the recordings of the presentations given on November 21 stand 28th can be accessed vía the following links:

The conferences encompassed a vast array of disciplines, including the regulations and functionality of the National Single Registry of Collections, the BacGive bacteria database, publication of data through SiB Colombia, the significance and preservation of microbiological collections, of agrobiotechnological interest and with biofertilizer interest, pathogenic fungi and insect symbionts, visibility of microbial diversity, the chaltenges of microbiological coltections, the potential of germplasm banks, the collection of microalgae and parasites of wildlife, and more.

The discussions held during the event addressed each topic in turn. At the conclusion of the event, participants determined that a second event is required, with particular attention to the input of environmental government entities. This input could contribute to the discussion on regulations pertaining to the sharing of samples, the generation of products from the strains, and the financing of the maintenance of biological collections, given that these collections representa heritage in their own right.

More Symposium Information

Collections of Microorganisms