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GGBN Preparation Vocabulary
From GGBN Wiki
Principal usage: The GGBN Preparation Vocabulary is meant to be used with a 1:1 relation for 1 specimen, tissue, or DNA record, since a sample can only be prepared once, otherwise it is a subsample and therefore a new record. Within a Darwin Core-Archive implementation it has to be used with the new defined Material Sample Core (not the Occurrence Core). Within ABCD please use the ABCDGGBN implementation.
Description: These terms has been developed for specific GGBN purposes but can be used in broader context too. The preparation vocabulary terms are specific to the aspects of specimen or tissue sample preparation or DNA extraction (handled as a preparation).
This is a collection within the GGBN Data Standard. It contains the following concepts:
By label: Associated References • Preparation Date • Preparation Materials • Preparation Process • Preparation Type • Prepared By
By concept name: dwc:associatedReferences • ggbn:preparationDate • ggbn:preparationMaterials • ggbn:preparationProcess • ggbn:preparationType • ggbn:preparedBy