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Script Documentation

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Revision as of 11:22, 28 October 2011 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (List of all Configuration scripts)
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List of all scripts

Package "Configuration"

Connection to database, SMTP

The parameters for connecting the DNA database, logo path and smtp are recorded in xml files (see Package "load") and will be defined first during installation process (see "First steps").

List of all Configuration scripts

Script Name Description Remarks included in
change.php Change password -- --
ChangesAccepted.php  ? -- --
configuration.php Start page of package -- --
connection.php Edit Database connection same script (edit_connection.php) also used by "First steps" --
Errorreport.php Error message for user -- all scripts with sql queries
generalsettings.php  ? -- --
head.php Call function for connecting the database, call array_item  ? all scripts)
index.php  ? -- --
new_user.php Adding new user  ? during "First steps" and in usermanagement.php
settings.php  ?  ?  ? basic functions for all scripts -- head.php (and thereby in all scripts
usermanagement.php Editing, deleting and adding users and their rights -- --