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GGBN Material Sample Vocabulary

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Principal usage: The GGBN Material Sample Vocabulary is meant to be used with a 1:1 relation for 1 tissue, or DNA record. Within a Darwin Core-Archive implementation it has to be used with the new defined Material Sample Core (not the Occurrence Core). Within ABCD please use the ABCDGGBN implementation.

Description: These terms has been developed for specific GGBN purposes but can be used in other molecular context. The material sample vocabulary terms are specific to basic lab facts about a physical DNA or tissue sample. It also contains terms from MIxS.

This is a collection within the GGBN Data Standard. It contains the following concepts:

By label: Concentration (DNA)DNA Melting PointDNA-DNA HybridizationHighLowMaterial Sample TypeMediumMethod used for Determination of Concentration and Ratios of Absorbance (DNA)Method used for Determination of WeightPurification Method (DNA or Amplification)QualityQuality Check DateQuality RemarksQuality VocabularyRatio of Absorbance 260/230 (DNA)Ratio of Absorbance 260/280 (DNA)Sample DesignationUnit of Concentration (DNA)Unit of VolumeUnit of WeightVolumeWeightestimated Sizesample size

By concept name: ggbn:DNADNAHybridizationggbn:DNAMeltingPointggbn:concentrationggbn:concentrationUnitggbn:materialSampleTypeggbn:methodDeterminationConcentrationAndRatiosggbn:methodDeterminationWeightggbn:purificationMethodggbn:qualityggbn:qualityCheckDateggbn:qualityRemarksggbn:ratioOfAbsorbance260 230ggbn:ratioOfAbsorbance260 280ggbn:sampleDesignationggbn:volumeggbn:volumeUnitggbn:weightggbn:weightUnitggbnvoc:highggbnvoc:lowggbnvoc:mediumggbnvoc:quality vocabularymixs:estimated sizemixs:samp size