In the old GGBN portal only ABCD and BioCASe can be used for providing data to our data portal. Since several GGBN partners use IPT and DarwinCore-Archive to provide their data to GBIF we have created and tested a GGBN extension for DarwinCore-Archive. The goal is to enable the use of DarwinCore-Archive in parallel.
[hide]GGBN Data Standard
ABCDDNA has been reviewed several times and is now substituted by the GGBN Data Standard. The GGBN Data Standard can be used with BioCASe version 3.5.3 Find out more
GGBN Data Standard and Darwin Core-Archive
This is the current (08/2015) model for testing GGBN Data Standard with IPT:
Please see also [1] for xml files used by IPT. Full support of all GGBN extensions is available since IPT version 2.2.
Technical issues appeared during testing, in the meanwhile fixed by GBIF developers
- changing keyword in GGBN classes, minor bug
- meta.xml syntax error, criticial bug
- problem with same name for core and extension (Material Sample), critical bug
- TDWG 2013, Florence: Create and Implement a draft DarwinCore DNA and Tissue extension
- TDWG 2013, Florence: Darwin Core Archives: beyond star schema
- 2013, Copenhagen: Discussing the use of DarwinCore and DarwinCore-Archive for MaterialSample-related records
- TDWG 2012, Beijing: Discussing a DarwinCore DNA and Tissue extension for GGBN
- 2012, Oxford: Hackathon-Workshop on Darwin Core and MIxS Standards Alignment (Meeting report: SIGS (2012) 7:166-170 DOI:10.4056/sigs.3166513)