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Collection Data Form

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The most time consuming part always is data cleaning. We developed a powerful little helper for standardised data recording in the field, lab or office. The Collection Data Form (CDF) is an EXCEL file and contains several Macros for data handling and label printing.

Please feel free to download the new Version 1.11. You have to unpack the zip-file, which includes all required files. Some of our partners have included the CDF in their own workflows. It's an easy way to import lot of standardised data into specimen databases.

New users should read the instructions for enabling Macros in EXCEL.

Customised views

When you open the Collection Data form you will see some buttons in the top left corner. By hitting the buttons you can switch between the views. You can even create your own customised view. Just enter an "x" in first row of the columns that you want to see.

Label printing

So far label printing is done for Botanists, since size of labels for zoological samples are much more divers.


Version 1.11
Version 1.10
Version 1.7, outdated