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News 2009

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Nov 16, 2009 12000 further procaryote samples available for on-demand DNA extractions

More than 12000 samples of microorganisms and cell cultures from almost 4400 species are per today additionally available for on-demand DNA extractions. Therewith the entire specimen database of the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ) is now searchable via the DNA Bank Network's webportal.

Nov 2, 2009 DNA Bank Network to present at the 3rd International Barcode of Life Conference 2009

Participants of the DNA Bank Network will be presenting at the Third International Barcode of Life Conference in Mexico City, 7-12 November 2009.

The following are specific presentation details at the conference:

Date: Sunday, November 8, 2009
Zetzsche, H. & Gemeinholzer, B. Long-term storage of tissue and DNA for plant DNA barcoding

Date: Wednesday, November 11 2009
Knebelsberger, T. Beyond barcoding - Secure DNA storage

Date: Wednesday, November 11 2009
Raupach, M. Molecular taxonomy of ground beetles (Insecta: Carabidae) in Central Europe: a multi-marker approach

Sep 30, 2009 Significant mark of 10.000 DNA samples surpassed

Today the significant mark of 10.000 fully documented DNA samples has been surpassed. Thereby, DNA samples of more than 6000 species from 156 different countries are available via the webportal. After launching its searchable database in April 2009 the partners of the DNA Bank Network continuously proceeded in their efforts to deposit DNA samples physically and informatically linked to their respective specimens.

Aug 17, 2009 Workshop about long-term storage of DNA samples held in Leiden

A workshop about institutional and technical strategies for long-term storage of nonhuman DNA samples has been held at the Systematics 2009 conference in Leiden, Netherlands on August 12th. The organizers thank all participants for their valuable contributions and the conference board for their help. Download summary and abstracts.