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Media statistics

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Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
application/pdf.pdf9 (1.97%)6,322,211 bytes (6.03 MB; 5.72%)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.docx2 (0.439%)38,127 bytes (37 KB; 0.0345%)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.xlsx1 (0.219%)11,607 bytes (11 KB; 0.0105%)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation.pptx1 (0.219%)775,487 bytes (757 KB; 0.701%)

Total file size for this section: 7,147,432 bytes (6.82 MB; 6.46%).

Bitmap images

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/jpeg.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe302 (66.2%)80,549,218 bytes (76.82 MB; 72.9%)
image/png.png, .apng129 (28.3%)22,538,847 bytes (21.49 MB; 20.4%)
image/gif.gif11 (2.41%)312,859 bytes (306 KB; 0.283%)
image/webp.webp1 (0.219%)11,404 bytes (11 KB; 0.0103%)

Total file size for this section: 103,412,328 bytes (98.62 MB; 93.5%).

All files

Total file size for all files: 110,559,760 bytes (105.44 MB).