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GGBN Amplification Vocabulary

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Principal usage: The GGBN Amplification Vocabulary is meant to be used with a 1:many relation for 1 DNA record. This is to cover all amplifications done with a single DNA sample. Within a Darwin Core-Archive implementation it has to be used with the new defined Material Sample Core (not the Occurrence Core). Within ABCD please use the ABCDGGBN implementation. GGBN requirements and recommendations for usage and example content will follow soon.

Description: These terms have been developed for specific GGBN purposes but can be used in any other molecular context. The amplification vocabulary terms are specific to the aspects of amplification, sequencing, and genetic accession numbers. It also contains terms from MIxS. It does not cover single read information (see GGBN Single Read Vocabulary). The vocabulary is still under review. We appreciate any input or feedback. To do so please contact the GGBN secretariat at info[at]

By label: Amplification DateAmplification MethodAmplification StaffAmplification SuccessAmplification Success DetailsBOLD Process IDBarcode SequenceConsensus SequenceConsensus Sequence Chromatogram URIConsensus Sequence LengthGenetic Accession NumberGenetic Accession URIGuanin-Cytosine contentHaplotypeMarkerMarker AccordanceMarker SubfragmentPrimer NamePrimer Name (Forward)Primer Name (Reverse)Primer Reference CitationPrimer Reference Citation (Forward)Primer Reference Citation (Reverse)Primer Reference LinkPrimer Reference Link (Forward)Primer Reference Link (Reverse)Primer SequencePrimer Sequence (Forward)Primer Sequence (Reverse)Purification Method (DNA or Amplification)adaptersmixs:annot sourcemixs:assemblymixs:chimera checkmixs:finishing strategymixs:midmixs:seq quality checkmixs:sop

By concept name: ggbn:amplificationDateggbn:amplificationMethodggbn:amplificationStaffggbn:amplificationSuccessggbn:amplificationSuccessDetailsggbn:barcodeSequenceggbn:BOLDProcessIDggbn:GC-contentggbn:consensusSequenceChromatogramFileURIggbn:consensusSequenceggbn:consensusSequenceLengthggbn:geneticAccessionNumberggbn:geneticAccessionURIggbn:haplotypeggbn:markerggbn:markerAccordanceggbn:markerSubfragmentggbn:primerNameggbn:primerNameForwardggbn:primerNameReverseggbn:primerReferenceCitationggbn:primerReferenceCitationForwardggbn:primerReferenceCitationReverseggbn:primerReferenceLinkggbn:primerReferenceLinkForwardggbn:primerReferenceLinkReverseggbn:primerSequenceggbn:primerSequenceForwardggbn:primerSequenceReverseggbn:purificationMethodmixs:adaptersmixs:annot_sourcemixs:assemblymixs:chimera_checkmixs:finishing_strategymixs:midmixs:seq_quality_checkmixs:sop

GGBN Amplification Vocabulary has a sub-collection: