Configuration Tool
The Configuration Tool helps you to define the general framework of the Module. Here you learn how to:
- Add new users
- Edit user rights
- Define general settings
- Define settings of a single user
- Change your password
- Prepare the Module for providing data to the DNA Bank Network and GBIF
Only members of group "Administrator" have full access to the Configuration Tool.
Feature | Access |
Database connection | Administrator |
User Management | Administrator, Team |
General settings | Administrator, Team |
User defined settings | Administrator, Team, Project, Guest |
Change own password | Administrator, Team, Project, Guest |
Wrapper Configuration | Administrator |
Connection to DNA database
Only administrators are allowed to edit the database connection. The DNA Module can be used currently with MySQL only. Password of database user can be left empty if not assigned.
User Management
Members of group "Administrator" and "Team" are allowed to add or delete users and to edit user details. Furthermore the tool gives an overview how many DNA and specimen records a individual user has created. By clicking on the relevant number you see the records.
An user can not be deleted if he/her has created records! You should change his/her group membership instead.
Add new user
For creating a new user please select "Add User" (see screenshot). You have to enter the email address of the new user, his/her real and login name and define his/her group membership. After creating the user will receive an email with an automatically generated password. Please make sure you have define SMTP parameters first!
Group overview
Tool | Feature | Administrator | DNA Bank Team | Projects | Guest |
All tools | Add new records | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
All tools | Delete records | Yes | Yes | No | No |
All tools | Read blocked records created by other users | Yes | Yes | No | No |
All tools | Edit blocked records created by other users | Yes | Yes | No | No |
All tools | Read unblocked records created by other users | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
All tools | Edit unblocked records created by other users | Yes | Yes | No | No |
All tools | Read internal notes of records created by other users | Yes | Yes | No | No |
All tools | Edit internal notes of records created by other users | Yes | Yes | No | No |
All tools | Read/Edit records created by themself | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
All tools | Read/Edit internal notes of records created by themself | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
All tools | Unblock/verify records created by other users | Yes | Yes | No | No |
All tools | Unblock/verify records created by themself | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Configuration Tool | Access to Database configuration and mapping settings | Yes | No | No | No |
Configuration Tool | Edit/Delete/Add Users | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Configuration Tool | Change passwort | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Configuration Tool | Define user settings | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Data cleaning Tool | Access to data cleaning | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Customer Requests | Access to customer requests in general | Yes | Yes | No | No |
General Settings
Members of groups "Administrator" and "DNA Bank Management" define the following general settings:
- Customer requests:
Feature | Remarks |
Price and currency of aliquots | |
Standard aliquot volume for shipping | These settings will be displayed when entering new DNA data and requests, but changes can be made for individual DNA samples if needed. |
- Input & search:
Feature | Remarks |
Prefix DNA extraction number | Please note, that you might add a space character after prefix if needed! |
Backup aliquot made | One of the standards of the DNA Bank Network partners is to make sure there is a copy of the samples. This can be the stock aliquot stored in a different freezer, ideally it should be a backup aliquot stored in a different institution. Please select this option only if you store a backup aliquot. |
- General - Please note that you should define first three settings during First steps
Feature | Remarks |
Logo path | You can add your own logo to be displayed at top right corner. Please enter image path from root, e.g. for YOUR_DNA_MODULE_FOLDER/images/logo.png type "images/logo.png" or if it's an external path type "" |
SMTP path and port | of your email server, please ask your administrator for help |
Administrator email | Enter email of local administrator that works as sender of any information or error reporting emails related to the DNA Module. |
Google key | Enter your google key, that is required to display maps (related to Specimen Tool) |
User defined Settings
All users can define the following settings:
- Search for DNA samples:
- Records per page (hitlist)
- Sorting
- Search for specimens (Specimen Tool):
- Records per page (hitlist)
- Sorting
Change Password
Every user can change his/her password after first login. When creating a new user, a password will be generated automatically and will be send via email to the new user. The first user will be created during First steps.
Wrapper Configuration
The data architecture of the DNA Bank Network is based on the GBIF infrastructure. The basic principle of GBIF as well as of the DNA Bank Network is to record all data sets only once. Stored at only one place they can be used as a linked reference for different applications.
Since many institutions joined GBIF applying different database structures each, the installation of wrappers has become a standard to combine different sources and integrate data easily into networks. There are three main wrapper softwares available BioCASE, DiGIR and TAPIR. All of them use an xml schema for data transfer: BioCASE - ABCD, DiGIR and TAPIR - DarwinCore (DwC).
Workflow for Mapping DNA database
- Make sure your DNA Module (or a copy) is on a web server
- Define the Metadata for your DNA collection using the Configuration Tool (s.b.)
- Set up BioCASE provider Software (BPS) on a web server
- Create a new datasource with empty template (default password for BPS is ACDC)
- Copy/overwrite "provider_setup_file.xml" and "cmf_ABCDDNA_2.06" from "YOUR_DNA_MODULE_FOLDER\wrapper\DNA_Mapping\" to "YOUR_BIOCASE_FOLDER\config\datasources\YOUR_DNA_DATASOURCE\"; If you copy these files into the bps folder you don't have to do the mapping manually
- Edit database connection (DBMS = mysql, encoding = utf_8) !!! Please do this first!!
- Test mapping using BPS query forms
Metadata for DNA data
ABCD contains a lot of elements. Some are mandatory. Further information about ABCDDNA and a complete Mapping example can be found here in the Wiki. The curator of the DNA Bank has to define the Metadata of the DNA Bank data first.
Example of the Metadata of a DNA Bank, published with every single record via the DNA Bank Network's web portal:
All metadata information should be in English!
Group | Element | Remarks | Example |
ContentContact | Address | Complete Address of the responsible person | Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin, Koenigin-Luise-Str. 6-8, 14195 Berlin, Germany |
ContentContact | valid email address; will be used by the web portal for sending you annotations etc. | please use @ instead of masquerades like "[at]" | |
ContentContact | Name | Person, person team responsible for curation of your DNA Bank | Dr. Birgit Gemeinholzer |
Description/Representation | Details | Short text to describe the focus and number of samples in your DNA collection. It must include the following phrase: The DNA bank is part of the DNA Bank Network which was established in spring 2007. The network was initiated by GBIF Germany and provides a technically optimized DNA collection service facility for all biological research accessible via one central web portal. The network promotes deposition of well documented reference DNA samples after project completion or data publication from scientists of other universities and institutions. | The DNA bank of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem holds currently a collection of 8200 plant DNA and tissue samples growing constantly. Its core collection focuses on the flora of the Berlin and Brandenburg but it also preserves DNA from the Alps, the Mediterranean and the Altai Mountains. |
Description/Representation | Title | Short title that describes your DNA collection | DNA Bank of the Herbarium Berolinense |
IPRStatements/Citation | Text | Droege, G., Zetzsche, H. & Gemeinholzer, B. (Ed.) 2008 - (continuously updated): DNA samples of the DNA bank at the BGBM (Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem). | |
IPRStatements/Copyright | Text | The copyright for any material created by the DNA bank of the BGBM is reserved. The duplication or use of information and data such as texts or images is only permitted with the indication of the source or with prior approval by the BGBM. | |
IPRStatements/TermsOfUse | Text | The use of the data is allowed only for non-profit scientific use and for non-profit nature conservation purpose. The data bases or part of it may only be used or copied by the written permission from the legal owner. | |
IconURI | complete url path to the logo of your institution | ||
Owner | Address | Complete Address of the institution that owns the DNA bank samples and data | |
Owner/Representation | Text | name of your institution | Botanic Garden an Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (Freie Universität Berlin) |
Owner | URL | path to website of your institution | |
RevisionData | DateModified | date of last modification of your data | |
TechnicalContact | Address | Complete Address of the responsible person | Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin, Koenigin-Luise-Str. 6-8, 14195 Berlin, Germany |
TechnichalContact | valid email address; will be used by the web portal for sending you annotations etc. | please use @ instead of masquerades like "[at]" | |
TechnicalContact | Name | Person, person team responsible for technical issues of your database | Gabriele Droege |
RecordBasis | this value must be part of the ABCD vocabulary | must be "OtherSpecimen" | |
SourceID | short description of relevant collection | should be "DNA Bank" | |
SourceInstitutionID | short name/abbreviation of relevant institution | BGBM |
Wrapper url for DNA data
The Wrapper url is required if you want to share your DNA data via the central Web portal of the DNA Bank Network. You can find this url in your BPS settings. Please contact the DNA Bank Network for further assistance. In opposite to the Specimen Tool it's not required to record the url in the Configuration Tool.
Workflow for Mapping Specimen Tool database
- Make sure your Specimen Tool/DNA Module (or a copy) is on a web server
- Define the Metadata for your Specimen Tool using the Configuration Tool (s.b.)
- Set up BioCASE provider Software (BPS) on a web server
- Create a new datasource with empty template (default password for BPS is ACDC)
- Copy/overwrite "provider_setup_file.xml" and "cmf_ABCD_2.06" from "YOUR_DNA_MODULE_FOLDER\wrapper\SpecimenTool_Mapping\" to "YOUR_BIOCASE_FOLDER\config\datasources\YOUR_SPECIMEN_DATASOURCE\"; If you copy these files into the bps folder you don't have to do the mapping manually
- Note that you should use ABCD2.06 instead of ABCDDNA for your specimen records.
- Edit database connection (DBMS = mysql, encoding = utf_8)
- Test mapping using BPS query forms
Providing Specimen Tool records to GBIF?
Of course you can provide the Specimen Tool records to GBIF if you want! All what you need is the wrapper url, a working mapping and the Metadata (s.b.). Than go to the GBIF portal and register your database. Please don't hesitate to contact the DNA Bank Network if you have any further questions.
Metadata for Specimen Tool
Be careful with Metadata information, since you might not be the owner in every case!
You can use the Specimen Tool as your main specimen collection management tool if you don't have one yet. In that case the terms of Metadata information might be easier to find. Please don't hesitate to contact the DNA Bank Network if you have any questions!
Group | Element | Remarks | Example |
ContentContact | Address | Complete Address of the responsible person | |
ContentContact | valid email address; will be used by the web portal for sending you annotations etc. | please use @ instead of masquerades like "[at]" | |
ContentContact | Name | Person, person team responsible for curation of your specimen data | |
Description/Representation | Details | ||
Description/Representation | Title | Short title that describes your collection | |
IPRStatements/Citation | Text | ||
IPRStatements/Copyright | Text | ||
IPRStatements/TermsOfUse | Text | ||
IconURI | complete url path to the logo of your institution/organisation | ||
Owner | Address | Complete Address of the institution/organisation that owns the data | |
Owner/Representation | Text | name of your institution/organisation | |
Owner | URL | path to website of your institution/organisation | |
RevisionData | DateModified | date of last modification of your data | |
TechnicalContact | Address | Complete Address of the responsible person | |
TechnichalContact | valid email address; will be used by the web portal for sending you annotations etc. | please use @ instead of masquerades like "[at]" | |
TechnicalContact | Name | Person, person team responsible for technical issues of your database | |
RecordBasis | this value must be part of the ABCD vocabulary | dynamically generated from Table: cachecollection, is defined during entering new record | |
SourceID | short description of relevant collection | dynamically generated from Table: cachecollection, is defined during entering new record | |
SourceInstitutionID | short name/abbreviation of relevant institution | dynamically generated from Table: cachecollection, is defined during entering new record |
Wrapper url for Specimen Tool
The Wrapper url is required for sharing data with GBIF or the DNA Bank Network. All specimen databases that are relevant for your DNA samples are recorded in two tables (provider and dataset). When setting up the DNA Module and the Specimen Tool the Specimen Tool is listed without a wrapper url. After you have finished the ABCD2.06 mapping for your Specimen Tool you should record this wrapper url also in the Wrapper Configuration Tool of the DNA Module.
At first enter the wrapper url and check the provider availability. If the provider is available save the entry. Once you have saved you can edit the url later if you want.
Example: Webpage of the DNA Bank Network Webpage of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Webpage of the Biological Collection Access Service (BioCASE) Download BioCASe Provider Software BioCASe Provider Software - Wiki, Installation guide Access to Biological Collection Data (ABCD) Distributed Generic Information System (DiGIR) TDWG Access Protocol for Information Retrieval (TAPIR) DarwinCore